
Uttarakhand Census

Uttarakhand Population Growth Rate
The total population growth in this decade was 18.81 percent while in previous decade it was 19.20 percent. The population of Uttarakhand forms 0.83 percent of India in 2011. In 2001, the figure was 0.83 percent.

Uttarakhand Density 2011
Total area of Uttarakhand is 53,483 sq. km. Density of Uttarakhand is 189 per sq km which is lower than national average 382 per sq km. In 2001, density of Uttarakhand was 159 per sq km, while nation average in 2001 was 324 per sq km.

Uttarakhand Literacy Rate 2011
Literacy rate in Uttarakhand has seen upward trend and is 78.82 percent as per 2011 population census. Of that, male literacy stands at 87.40 percent while female literacy is at 67.06 percent. In 2001, literacy rate in Uttarakhand stood at 71.62 percent of which male and female were 81.02 percent and 63.36 percent literate respectively.

In actual numbers, total literates in Uttarakhand stands at 6,880,953 of which males were 3,863,708 and females were 3,017,245.

Uttarakhand Sex Ratio
Sex Ratio in Uttarakhand is 963 i.e. for each 1000 male, which is below national average of 940 as per census 2011. In 2001, the sex ratio of female was 964 per 1000 males in Uttarakhand.

Uttarakhand Urban Population 2011
Out of total population of Uttarakhand, 30.23% people live in urban regions. The total figure of population living in urban areas is 3,049,338 of which 1,618,731 are males and while remaining 1,430,607 are females. The urban population in the last 10 years has increased by 30.23 percent.

Sex Ratio in urban regions of Uttarakhand was 884 females per 1000 males. For child (0-6) sex ratio the figure for urban region stood at 868 girls per 1000 boys. Total children (0-6 age) living in urban areas of Uttarakhand were 365,038. Of total population in urban region, 11.97 % were children (0-6).

Average Literacy rate in Uttarakhand for Urban regions was 84.45 percent in which males were 89.05% literate while female literacy stood at 68.96%. Total literates in urban region of Uttarakhand were 2,266,903.

Uttarakhand Rural Population 2011
Of the total population of Uttarakhand state, around 69.77 percent live in the villages of rural areas. In actual numbers, males and females were 3,519,042 and 3,517,912 respectively. Total population of rural areas of Uttarakhand state was 7,036,954. The population growth rate recorded for this decade (2001-2011) was 69.77%.

In rural regions of Uttarakhand state, female sex ratio per 1000 males was 1000 while same for the child (0-6 age) was 899 girls per 1000 boys. In Uttarakhand, 990,776 children (0-6) live in rural areas. Child population forms 14.08 percent of total rural population.

In rural areas of Uttarakhand, literacy rate for males and female stood at 86.62 % and 66.16 %. Average literacy rate in Uttarakhand for rural areas was 76.31 percent. Total literates in rural areas were 4,614,050.

Accuracy is not Guaranteed | Use at your risk | Source : Census2011.co.in